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Contact: FEEDERS for your pet snakes or reptiles Phone: unlisted Email: sharona64@att.net Jackson, Michigan
EMail me for address Various age and size live & frozen rats and mice to use as FEEDERS for your pet snakes or reptiles
We live in Jackson, Michigan and breed feeder rats & mice for sale for local pickup. Monday thru Saturday 9 to 5 by appointment. Our prices are better than the local pet stores.
The prices are……
Pinky’s--------------$.35 EACH- sold in quantities of 15 for $5.25
Fuzzy’s-----------$.50 EACH- sold in quantities of 20 for $10.00
Hopper’s------------$.70 EACH- sold in quantities of 20 for $14.00
Adult’s-----------$1.00 EACH- sold in quantities of 10 for $10.00
Pup’s / Pinky’s-----------$1.00 EACH- sold in quantities of 10 for $10.00
Small‘s---------------------$1.50 EACH- sold in quantities of 10 for $15.00
Medium’s------------------------$2.00 EACH- sold in quantities of 10 for $20.00
Large’s---------------------$4.00 EACH- sold in quantities of 5 for $20.00
If you are interested please Email me sharona64@att.net so that I can give you more details. We have both frozen & live for sale and the prices are the same.